The direction is a dizzying blend of quick cuts and endless CGI transitions, no surprise given that the director is an effects man best known for his assistant direction on Jackie's WHO AM I?. Every scene features CGI in some regard: CGI monsters, CGI snakes, CGI magical blasts, CGI flying, CGI backgrounds, even CGI characters. It has more CGI than in STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE which is saying something. This film offers near constant CGI in a way that would make George Lucas proud. Sadly, the whole thing turns out to be an overblown CGI mess of the kind I've never witnessed before, and that makes it very, very bad indeed. First, the good stuff: it's big budget, based on a classic 16th century novel, and features an all-star cast of cameoing stars. LEAGUE OF GODS is another CGI monstrosity aimed at the Chinese market, although Hong Kong producers are criminally responsible for this one. Fun to watch for the craziness, but let it wash over you rather than trying to understand what is going on. SUMMARY: Crazy Chinese fantasy epic that espouses style and visuals over substance. My best recommendation is to view this film with your mates, a large crate of beer, and to just treat it as a crazy comedy. However, even his efforts can't make it more than a passable effort.
One nice part was the music, by John Debney, which elevates the movie considerably. It clearly wanted to be a Chinese Lord of the Rings, but without the world building and steady build-up it turned out more of a fantasy Transformers. All in all, however, I feel this was an opportunity missed. Acting is acceptable, in so much as there isn't much need for decent acting because it is primarily action.

It isn't higher because the story is poorly presented and the characters have little more than token personalities. The CGI is extremely weak overall, but somehow that just adds to its charm. I rated it a five primarily for the craziness and the gorgeous visuals. So why don't you pick up your talking pot plant and we'll go deal with the snake lady and her minions and set matters to rights!" Honestly, that imagined speech should tell you all you need to know about the movie to make a judgment as to whether you''l find it enjoyable.

I have no idea what's going on here Jiang, but its clear you people have a problem on your hands and old Jack is here to help you sort it out by crossing the eyes and punching some teeth. "Giant dancing crabs, farting babies, some guy flying around with burning wheels on his feet and people roaming the skies in stone Tetris ships. It's exactly the kind of insanity that Jack Burton, from Big Trouble in Little China, would wax lyrical about. So.will you like it? Well, it depends on your personal level of acceptance of crazy. That said, I did find it a refreshing change from the usual stodge that Hollywood churns out these days. It's an onslaught of visual excess that rarely lets up and can be a little exhausting to watch. The movie is relentless in its madness, throwing ever more craziness at the audience and not caring if you like it or not. But when I say tide, I really mean tsunami in this instance. Once you accept that, and simply let the movie wash over you like a mad tide, you'll get more enjoyment out of it. You are plunged straight into it and given little to establish either the setting or the players. There is little in the way of story or character development. See, League of Gods (LoG) is an Asian fantasy and, to our western eyes, used to the likes of Lord of the Rings and even the more recent Warcraft, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Instead, as you a re watching it, any such notion of critical analysis pretty much goes out the window. It kind of defies a normal review that talks about acting and effects and so on.
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